March 2023

Wickenby Parish Council 

“Composed of local people, representing local people, about local issues” 

 Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting dated 7th March 2023 held in St Peters Church, Wickenby  

Present: Cllrs J Hairsine, J Gill-Stafford, Mrs T Keat, Mrs J Grant, D Chilton, C Banks and A Clack  

Also Present: Ms Tracey A Davis PSLCC Parish Clerk to Wickenby Parish Council and one member of the public. 

Public Forum 

Safety concerns were raised regarding the lack of sufficient street lighting particularly on Lissington Road near the church and on Snarford Road near the Broadbent Theatre.  This lack of lighting makes the area unsafe particularly for the young and older residents and visitors to the village.  With the increase in speeding vehicles through the village this makes those areas very unsafe. Clerk to report to highways 

23/03/40 To receive apologies and reasons for absence of any Councillors  



23/03/41 To receive any declaration of interest applicable to agenda items in accordance with the 2000 LG Act 




23/03/42 To approve notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th December 2022 and authorise the Chairman to sign these as official and true minutes of the meeting  


Septic tank discharge still requires reporting. 


AGREED Proposed Cllr J Hairsine, Seconded Cllr J Grant 

To approve the Parish Council minutes dated 6th December 2022 as a true record and authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes. 



23/03/43 To receive, discuss and action any reports from outside meetings and outside bodies 

There were none. 


23/03/44 To agree the issues to raise with West Lindsey District Council 


Clerk has received a reply from the Finance Director of West Lindsey Council and shared this with members.  Planning questions have been sent to the Planning Manager and a reply will be forwarded to members.  


Further questions for the Finance Director are ‘What are the discounts for Wickenby Parish that affect the council tax rise for the parish and can the discounts be  



It was agreed to create an Annual Report for the past council year that will celebrate the council services to the parish and inform the residents of the great work that is going on in and around the village. 


23/03/45 Financial Issues 



a)  To Receive and approve bank reconciliation 28th February 2023 

Clerk prepared the Bank Reconciliation to the 28th February 2023 


AGREED Proposed J Hairsine, Seconded Cllr D Chilton 

To note the correct Bank Reconciliation 28th February 2023. 




c) To approve payment of accounts Net Tax Total 

21.02.23, 52, 21.02.23       HMRC TAX 31.07 31.07 

21.02.23, 53, 21.02.23       HMRC TAX 42.02 42.02 

21.02.23, 54, 21.02.23       HMRC TAX 118.03 118.03 

07.03.23, 55, 07.03.23      Wickenby PCC 90.00 90.00 

07.03.23, 56, 07.03.23      Jan 2023 Salary Clerk 134.00 134.00 

07.03.23, 57, 07.03.23      Feb Salary Clerk 134.00 134.00 

07.03.23, 58, 07.03.23      March Salary Clerk 167.25 167.25 

07.03.23, 59, 07.03.23      Cloudy IT 41.55 8.31 49.86 

07.03.23, 60, 07.03.23      Cloudy IT 41.55 8.31 49.86 

07.03.23, 61, 07.03.23      LALC membership 77.58 77.58 

07.03.23, 62, 07.03.23      LALC Training Day 15.00 3.00      18.00 

07.03.23, 63, 07.03.23      Plants C Banks 13.50 13.50 

07.03.23, 64, 07.03.23      Cake C Banks 3.00 3.00 

07.03.23, 65, 07.03.23      Cloudy IT 41.55 8.31 49.86 

07.03.23, 66, 07.03.23       T Keat 15.68  15.68 




AGREED Proposed Cllr Hairsine, Seconded Cllr T Keat  

To approve the payments above. 



It was requested that a separate spreadsheet for events is created and forwarded as soon after the meeting as possible to ascertain the total funds raised and the expenditure to date. 




23/03/46 Administration 


a) To discuss and take any action regarding the Parish Council Website Page 

It was agreed for Clerk to obtain quotes for a new website and forward to members for future consideration. 


b) To agree to table the proposed amendments to Standing Orders with any further amendments for approval at the next Ordinary meeting of the Council 


Cllr Gill-Stafford felt that the Model Standing Orders were in a confusing order and suggested they be formatted and ordered in a better way.  He confirmed that all of the content was correct.  


AGREED Proposed Cllr J Hairsine, Seconded Cllr T Keat 

To accept the NALC Model Standing Orders be adopted as tabled. 



c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Parish Newsletter 


Items to be included are  

Vehicle Speeding 

Christmas Even sing along 

Parish Survey 


Street Lighting 

Action on the Rates questions 

Action on the Planning questions 



d) To receive an update from the Village Fete Committee 

The next event will be the Easter Egg Hunt and Coffee Morning.  This will be on Easter Saturday. 


Village Fete location is not known at present nor is the date but will be in June 2023.  There was much discussion on the format of the event and the constraints on putting the event on.  It was suggested to contact the Broadbent Theatre to enquire about organising a Rock and Roll Night. 


f) Parish Audit (Survey) 

A basic Monkey Survey account has been set up and it was agreed to create a working group consisting of Cllrs Mrs T Keat and Mrs C Banks with the Parish Clerk to assist.  



23/03/47 Parish Maintenance 


a) To discuss any necessary maintenance work required to the village picnic area 

More snowdrops are starting to come through.  It was agreed to start the maintenance work after the end of March to the beginning of April.  Litter picking day to be arranged.  Trees near the village sign require some pruning.  A short discussion took place on options of help for with maintenance and it was agreed to continue for now with volunteers and discuss again at the May Annual Parish Council meeting. 



b) To discuss the village planters and future planting 

Cllr Banks explained that the planters had been planted with the Spring flowers and Summer planting is still to come.  Members confirmed that they look a treat and thanked Cllr Banks for all her hard work volunteering on the planters. 


c) To discuss further street lighting 

This has been discussed under public forum.  Clerk to write to Lincolnshire County Council Highways with concerns over safety in the two areas of Lissington Road near the Church and Snarford Road near the Broadbent Theatre.  


23/03/48 Planning 

Clerk read the answers to the Council’s planning queries and concerns to the  



23/03/49 Speeding Vehicles 

There has been a meeting with North Willingham Parish and information on costs and organisation has been shared.  Speed signs is the preferred option as less costly and minimal volunteering time.  Paris Council could fund signs for the Road Safety Partnership to install and manage but this is costly.  It was suggested that 30mph signs could be painted on the road entrances to the village to remind drivers.  


23/03/50 To receive any reports from Councillors 

It was stated that the local pub has now closed and this was a great community f facility. 


It was also commented on that continued upgrading of professionalism to the council to continue. 



23/03/51 To agree the date of the next meeting 


Tuesday May 23rd 2023 at 7pm 

Tuesday September 5th at 7pm 

Tuesday December 5th at 7pm 


Meeting closed at 20.00