March 2022

A meeting of Wickenby Parish Council took place on Tuesday 1st March 2022 in St Peter and St Lawrence Church 


Present: Cllrs J Hairsine (Chairman), M J Gill-Stafford (Vice Chairman), Mrs J Grant, Mrs T Keat, Mrs S Wheeldon, D Chilton and A Clack 


Parish Clerk: Ms T A Broughton 


No members of the public were present. 


22/03/01 To receive apologies and reasons for absence from any Councillors 

No apologies required. 


22/03/02 To receive from co-opted Councillors signed copies of Declarations of Acceptance 


Cllr A Clack signed form duly received. 


22/03/03 To receive any declaration of interest applicable to agenda items in accordance with the 2000 LG Act 



22/03/04 To approve the notes of the Full Council Meeting held on 7th December 2021 and authorise the Chairman to sign these as the official minutes of the meeting. 


AGREED Proposed Cllr J Hairsine, Seconded Cllr M J Gill-Stafford 

To approve the minutes dated 7th December 2021 as a true record of the meeting 



22/03/05 To receive, discuss and action any reports from outside the meetings and outside  


There has been a meeting with a complainant about dog fouling.  Cllrs M J Gill-Stafford and Cllr T Keat will follow this up and report back at the next meeting. 


22/03/06 Financial issues  


To receive and approve the bank reconciliation 

It was stated that Yorkshire Bank have merged with Virgin Money and have closed the Lincoln Branch.  The council does not have a bank card.  Clerk explained how internet banking should be researched and how procedures can be instigated for online banking for payroll and faster payments.  No reconciliation available for this meeting.  Cllr T Keat will further research alternative banks. 

To approve the 2022/2023 Budget 

The budget was approved at the December 2021 meeting Min Number 21/12/06 (b). 

To complete and sign the 2022/2023 precept demand form 

Has been completed and Clerk to double check. 

To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the council’s bank account 

As at a) new accounts will be researched and Cllr M J Gill-Stafford will contact Virgin Money to cancel any further standing orders going out. 

To approve payment of accounts – list below 


Youth Employee Salary December 2021 £34.40 

Youth Employee Salary January 2022 £27.00 

Youth Employee Salary February 2022 £36.00 


Agreed Proposed Cllr Mrs T Keat, Seconded Cllr J Hairsine 

To sign cheques for the above payments to include Parish Clerk March 2022 Salary. 



Clerk to check on the LALC invoice and Cuprinol receipt to be submitted by Cllr M J Gill-Stafford and owner receipt from Cllr Mrs J Grant. 


Comment was also made of an error request from WLDC for election costs of 2019 of £107.94.  An apology has been received. 


22/03/07 Administration 


To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Parish Council website page 

Clerk to update the website and correct any errors.  Also to change any passwords and distribute to councillors.  


To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Queens Platinum Jubilee 

It was agreed that an event will be held in a resident’s garden using a marquee on the 5th June on the Sunday afternoon.  Clerk to check the insurance as there will be a band.  It was agreed to research the number of children in the village to receive a special mug.  Members discussed purchasing jubilee memorabilia.   


AGREED Proposed Cllr Mrs J Grant, Seconded Cllr Clack 

To budget £500 of Parish Council’s funding for the Jubilee event and to create a Council Events committee 



Members discussed the Event Committee becoming a statutory committee of the council. 


To discuss and take any necessary action regarding future Parish events 

Easter Egg hunt will be on Saturday April 16th.  Quiz night went really well.  The accounts are still being worked upon.  It was felt that there was no reason to continue with Easter Boxes as this was a support indicative during the pandemic.   


Agreed proposed Cllr Mrs J Grant, Seconded Cllr Mrs T Keat 

Not to continue with Easter Boxes. 



To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the review of council policies and procedures 

It was stated that a safeguarding policy should be developed.  Clerk will conduct a review of the existing policies and advise on updates.   




22/03/08 Parish Maintenance 

To receive an update and discuss any necessary maintenance work required to the village/picnic area 

It was agreed to source prices to repair the gates.  Chairman will research both wooden and galvanised.  Work on the ground will commence in March.  Councillors will volunteer to help.  There will be a new sign required and should make it more visible.  A dog bin would be welcomed and it was suggested to look out for plant types.  Also ownership of the land was queried. 


To receive an update regarding replacing the memorial bench opposite the church 

There are two more weeks to collection.  Cllr T Keat will promote on the Wickenby Facebook page. 


To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance to the bus shelter area 

Cuprinol has been purchased and the woodworm has been treated.  There has been some minor vandalism to the shelter and it will be sand papered down.  


To receive an update regarding the tree planting project 

Two applications have been received to purchase trees.  Two households purchased their own and been reimbursed 50% and 1 donation of 4 trees.  Suitable locations are hard to fine.  No further action to be taken. 


To discuss and take any necessary action regarding dog fouling in the village 

New stickers have been ordered.  Continue to promote education.  It was agreed to check the bins already in the centre of the village.   Clerk to obtain costs of 3 new bins and also to check the locations. 


To discuss costs and action gift Easter boxes to single elderly residents 

No further action as agreed not to continue with this project. 


22/03/09 Planning/Consultations 

There are no planning applications.  The last two applications concerns were covered in reports from other. Agencies.  To distribute the weekly planning list. 


22/03/10 To receive any reports from councillors 

It was agreed for Cllr M J Gill-Stafford to pursue a meeting with the District Councillor and Clerk to add an invitation to the next Full Council Agenda as well as Police and County Councillor representatives.  

Cllr M J Gill-Stafford has checked on the vulnerable residents in the village. 

A complaint had been received about discarded plastic containers in a ditch at Westlaby Lane, some containing agricultural chemical residues, that could cause  

                 irritation on the bare skin of litter pickers. Containers safely disposed of. 



22/03/11 To agree the date of the next Council meeting 

17th May for the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council Meeting 

starting. At 7pm.  Full Council meetings are quarterly in September, December 

March and May on the first Tuesday of the month except for May. 


Agreed Proposed Cllr J Hairsine, Seconded Cllr T Keat 

Meetings dates as above.  May be 2nd or 3rd week 



22/03/12 To agree to close the meeting to the public and press 


Agreed Proposed Cllr T Keat, Seconded Cllr J Grant 

To close the meeting to public and press 



22/03/13 To discuss and take any. Necessary action regarding the employment of a Clerk and 

Responsible Financial Officer 

New Parish Clerk has been appointed Ms Tracey Broughton and contract and pay 

scale will be worked out for the next meeting. 


22/03/14 Youth Employee 

Cllr Gill-Stafford reported the Youth Employee is  doing very well. 


Meeting closed at 21:00