Autumn 2020

Wickenby Wire Template

Autumn 2020

Hello everyone

Hopefully all residents continue to be free from the dreaded coronavirus and that the instructions from Central Government are not causing too much stress, hardship and inconvenience. If anyone knows of a neighbour(s) who is experiencing difficulties related to the pandemic, please contact your nearest Councillor or the Clerk, details are shown overleaf and help will be sought where possible. It was very heart warming to learn of the  offers of assistance shown by clusters of residents towards vulnerable members of the community.

Parish Council

Unfortunately because of the current virus contamination prevention restrictions, it has not been possible to hold a meeting since last March. That does not mean everything is totally on hold until a green light is given. There are still some issues outstanding which cannot be resolved until WLDC is fully staffed and functioning again.

Co-option of Councillors

One Councillor has resigned and left the parish, but the good news is that a resident has come forward and consented to ‘join the team’ and become a Councillor but is currently awaiting  approval from WLDC. This is very encouraging, but 3 more are required to fill the vacancies and form an effective representation of the parish. So please if you wish to see improvements or even keep the status quo consider becoming a Councillor, or just make enquiries as to what is involved contact the Clerk through the details shown overleaf.

Parish maintenance

Our young (maintenance operative) has resumed his role and hopefully the parish will return to a semblance of tidiness and a cared for appearance. In stating that, a big thank you is once again extended to those residents who not only keep their own properties neatly trimmed, but go to the trouble of mowing roadside verges. Also to those who litter pick whilst out walking.. The parish does not need to resemble a park, but when nicely looked after can help uplift moral, a much needed commodity during these stressful times. Although Autumn brings some superb colours to the foliage, it also means leaf litter and blocked road drains. These will be cleared as quickly as possible to help dissipate any excess water flow.

Hedge – Snarford Road

Following up on two complaints about the stretch of hedging on the north side of Snelland Road, west of the Broadbent Theatre obstructing drivers view of oncoming vehicles, the issue of trimming back the foliage has been discussed with the land owner. Unfortunately the requirements of the Stewardship Scheme (conservation) to which he is subjected, does not allow hedge cutting until 31st December at the earliest. The question of road safety here is of concern, but some responsibility has to be taken by drivers to slow down at such hazards on tortuous single width rural roads.

Picnic site

It is hoped that some work can be  re-started to make the area more user friendly, specifically by taking out the quickthorns that have self set around the bench tables, and cut back the brambles. A programme of improvements has been drawn up, so any volunteer help would be gratefully appreciated. Contact the Clerk or your nearest Councillor.


Although Westlaby Lane has recently been surfaced, there are some deep potholes along the sides that have not been leveled by the contractors and are merely covered by a layer of chippings. Motorists are advised to take extra care particularly when passing oncoming vehicles or at night when the road surface can appear deceptive.


The resident who kept the parish ‘Facebook’ page updated has left the village. This particular social media was used to replace the monthly magazine, in an attempt to keep residents updated on various events and activities. If anyone is interested in taking on this role in any electronic form please contact your nearest Councillor ot the Clerk.


The parish has been fortunate that there has only been one reported incidents since March,  that does not mean

residents should become complacent or lack vigilance. Rural villages are increasingly becoming the targets of criminals because of town & city CCTV. Farm machinery, equipment, and livestock including pet dogs and cats

are being stolen and frequently reported on the Police website. Any incident which makes residents think “that looks suspicious should be reported to the Police immediately by dialing 999 if urgent action is required or 101 to pass on information to the Intelligence Unit to assist in collating areas and types of crime.


The next edition of the newsletter will be in the Spring 2021

Current Councillors

Cllr. J. Hairsine (Vicechair) – 1, The Barns, Westlaby

Cllr. J. Gill-Stafford – The Holding, Snelland Road, Wickenby

Cllr. Mrs. S. Wheeldon – The Manor, Lissington Road, Wickenby


Mrs. L. Richardson (Clerk) – e.mail


Keep Well  Keep safe