July 2020


A meeting of Wickenby Parish Council took place on Thursday 2nd July 2020 at St Peter and St Lawrence Church.

Present:                 Cllrs J Hairsine (Chairman), M J Gill-Stafford and Mrs S Wheeldon


Clerk:                     Mrs L Richardson


Due to the resignation of Cllr Mrs Brown, Cllr Hairsine agreed to Chair the July 2020 meeting.

This meeting was held following Covid-19 social distancing guidelines as the audit paperwork needed signing before 31st July 2020.


20/07/01           To receive apologies and reasons for absence of any Councillors

                                None received

20/07/02           To receive any declaration of interest applicable to agenda items in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act

                        None received

20/07/03           To approve notes of the Council meeting held on 5th March 2020

Proposed Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded Cllr Gill-Stafford and agreed by all to sign the minutes of the last meeting as a true record of events.

20/07/04           To receive any applications for co-option onto the Parish Council

                                None received

20/07/05           To receive, discuss and action any reports from outside meetings and outside bodies

                                None received

20/07/06           Financial Issues

  1. To receive and approve bank reconciliation

Proposed Cllr Gill-Stafford, seconded Cllr Mrs Wheeldon and agreed by all to approve the bank reconciliation.

  1. To approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31st March 2020

Proposed Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded Cllr Gill-Stafford and agreed by all to approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement for the year ended 31st March 2020.

  1. To approve and sign the Annual Accounting Statements for the year ended 31st March 2020

Proposed Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded Cllr Gill-Stafford and agreed by all to approve and sign the Annual Accounting Statement for the year ended 31st March 2020.

  1. To approve and sign the Certificate of Exemption for the year ended 31st March 2020

Proposed Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded Cllr Gill-Stafford and agreed by all to approve and sign the Certificate of Exemption for the year ended 31st March 2020.

  1. To approve payments of accounts:

Proposed Cllr Gill-Stafford, seconded Cllr Mrs Wheeldon and agreed by all to approve the following payments of account:





LALC – Annual Subscriptions




Mrs L Richardson – Clerks Pay Arrears




Came & Co. – Annual Insurance




Mrs B Solly – Internal Audit Fees












Mrs L Richardson – Pay arrears




Mrs L Richardson – Clerks June 2020 Salary




Mrs L Richardson – Clerks July 2020 Salary




Mrs L Richardson – Clerks August 2020 Salary




Mrs L Richardson – Clerks September Salary













20/07/07           Administration

a) To review and make any necessary changes to the Council website

- Delete the May agenda as it did not go ahead due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

- Delete Cllr Mrs Brown as she has resigned

- Spring 2020 Newsletter needs to be added

- Only show a years’ worth of police updates

20/07/08           Parish Maintenance

a) To receive and decide upon quotes for the replacement of the Council Noticeboard glass

Proposed Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded Cllr Gill-Stafford and agreed by all to set a budget of £150 for the replacement of the broken glass in both noticeboards.

b) To discuss any necessary maintenance work required to the village/picnic area

The Clerk will contact the 2 residents for an update on the next steps to maintain the picnic area.


20/07/09           Planning/Consultations

a) To discuss any planning applications received

                                None received


20/07/10           To receive any reports from Councillors

- 2nd April 2020 –Cllr Gill Stafford reported quantities of mud on Snelland Road to Lincolnshire County Council Highways department.

- Cllr Gill Stafford reported frequent dumping of carrier bags containing packaged food that had spilled out and littered around the bus shelter, plus a child car seat and 2 umbrellas to West Lindsey District Council.

- Cllr Gill Stafford reported the dumping of sofa cushions and a radiator over the bridge at Snelland Road to West Lindsey District Council.

- All items were removed by WLDC.


20/07/11           To carry forward any items not discussed

                                Not applicable


20/07/12           To agree date of the next meeting

                                29th October 2020, 7pm to discuss and approve the 2021/22 budget.




Signed (Chairman) ……………………………………………………28TH January 2021