March 2020

A meeting of Wickenby Parish Council took place on Thursday 5th March 2020 at St Peter and St Lawrence Church.

Present:                 Cllrs Mrs V Brown (Chairman), M J Gill-Stafford and J Hairsine

Clerk:                     Mrs L Richardson

1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence of any Councillors

Proposed Cllr Hairsine, seconded Cllr Gill-Stafford and agreed by all to accept apologies and reasons for absence from Cllr Mrs Wheeldon.

2. To receive any declaration of interest applicable to agenda items in accordance with the 2000 LG Act

None declared

3. To approve notes of the Council meeting held on 5th December 2019

Proposed Cllr Hairsine, seconded Cllr Gill-Stafford and agreed by all to approve the notes of the last meeting as a true record of events.They were signed by the Chair.

4. To receive any applications for co-option onto the Parish Council

None received

5. To receive, discuss and action any reports from outside meetings and outside bodies

The police report was circulated prior to the meeting showing a Burglary in Snelland and a theft by find on Station Road

6. Financial Issues

a) To receive and approve bank reconciliation

Proposed Cllr Gill-Stafford, seconded Cllr Hairsine and agreed by all to approve the bank reconciliation.

b) To approve payments of account:-

Proposed Cllr Hairsine, seconded Cllr Gill-Stafford and agreed by all to make the following payments:-

                  LALC – Training events - £35.40

                  Youth employee – wages – 18.50

M.J. Gill-Stafford – Councillor Expenses - £6.35

Mrs L Richardson – Clerks Arrears - £74.10

Mrs L Richardson – Clerks Salary and expenses (March 2020) - £128.00

Mrs L Richardson – Clerks Salary and expenses (April 2020) - £128.00

Mrs L Richardson – Clerks Salary and expenses (May 2020) - £128.00

St. Peter & St. Lawrence Church – Room Hire - £64

Youth employee – Maintenance facilitator wage £18.50

c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the funding of future internal events

No action required at present.

7. Administration

a) To review and make any necessary changes to the Council website

- Reverse the lists to have the most recent at the top.

- Vacancies is mis spelt and needs amending accordingly.

- Remove the Youth Employment vacancy details.

b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Council Tax valuation assessment

The Clerk will chase up a meeting with District Councillor England and the necessary department

c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Spring village newsletter

- Picnic improvement details

- Advertisement of the Annual Parish Meeting

d) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Annual Parish and Annual Council meeting

Proposed Cllr Hairsine, seconded Cllr Gill-Stafford and agreed by all to hold the Annual Parish meeting and Annual Council meeting on Thursday 14 May 2020 at 7pm.

e) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding VE day celebration events

Proposed Cllr Hairsine, seconded Cllr Gill-Stafford and agreed by all to organise a VE day celebration.The Clerk will send Cllr Mrs Brown the insurance details to ensure the Parish Council is covered for the task in hand.A budget of £1000 was set to ensure that the whole village as a great community day.

8. Parish maintenance

a) To discuss and agree any action regarding specific areas within the Parish, including the village picnic site

The Clerk will research funding avenues for things such as trees, bird boxes, anima habitats, bark for paths etc.

b) To receive an update regarding the installation of further dog litter bins

The Clerk will chase up the current status of the new dog bins.

c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding a tree planting programme

No action to be taken – this can now be removed from the agenda.

9. Planning/Consultations

No comments to submit

10. To receive any reports from Councillors


11. To agree to close the meeting to press and public

Proposed Cllr Gill-Stafford, seconded Cllr Hairsine and agreed by all to close the meeting to press and public.

12. To receive an update regarding Youth Employment

A new youth employee has been recruited.

13. To agree date of the next meeting

Thursday 14 May 2020 at 7pm




Signed (Chairman) ….……………………………………….. 2 July 2020