October 2021

A meeting of Wickenby Parish Council took place on Monday 4th October 2021 in St Peter and St Lawrence Church.


Present: Cllrs M.J. Gill-Stafford, Mrs J Grant, Mrs T Keat and Mrs S Wheeldon


Also present: 4 members of the public


In the absence of Cllr Hairsine, it was agreed by all, Cllr Gill-Stafford would Chair the meeting .


During the public forum, the following matters were discussed:-

A representative from the E.P. Group gave a short presentation on the proposed plans for the development of a bullet manufacturing and testing factory within and around an existing disused aircraft hangar on a redundant area of Wickenby airfield. The representative left the meeting after he was thanked by the Vice Chairman

Two members of the public gave a short presentation on the proposed voluntary work on the Wickenby picnic site and an update on the work already undertaken. They both left the meeting after they had been thanked by the Vice Chairman

A member of the public made comments on a failure to receive a reply from the Clerk, having sent an email.  He also expressed his opinion on the quality of the website and the lack of information on it.  He declined the Vice Chairman’s invitation to remain to listen to the debate as at item 6(a) of the agenda and left the meeting after being assured by the Vice-Chairman enquiries would be made relating to the communications failure.

A member of the public suggested a style of bench to replace the removed memorial bench from Lissington Road. She left the meeting after being assured her suggestion would be considered alongside other advertised models.


21/10/01 To receive apologies and reasons for absence of any Councillors 

Present Councillors signed the attendance register, no apologies of absence were received.

District Councillor England was invited to the meeting – no apologies were received.


21/10/02 To receive any declaration of interest applicable to agenda items in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act

Cllr. Mrs Keat declared an interest in item 7(a) as the owner of the land adjoining the picnic site on which decisions would be made affecting her.

Cllr. Mrs Keat also declared an interest 7(b) as a relative to the owner of the removed memorial bench.


21/10/03 To approve notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 6th May 2021 and authorise the Chairman to sign them as official minutes of the meeting

Proposed Cllr. Mrs Grant, seconded Cllr. Mrs Keat and agreed by all to sign the notes of the Annual Parish Meeting as a true record of events.


21/10/04 To approve notes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 6th May 2021 and authorise the Chairman to sign them as official minutes of the meeting

Proposed Cllr. Mrs Grant, seconded Cllr. Mrs Keat and agreed by all to sign the notes of the Annual Council Meeting as a true record of events.


21/10/05 To receive, discuss and action any reports from outside meetings and outside bodies

Cllr. Gill-Stafford reported on his meeting with a resident youth and parent relating to the progress on the tree planting scheme as part of a Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

21/10/06 Financial Issues

a) To receive and approve bank reconciliation

In the Responsible Finance Officers absence, the report was deferred to a future meeting

b) To approve the 2022-23 draft budget

In the Responsible Finance Officers absence, the report was deferred to a future meeting

c) To review the 2020-21 Annual Audit procedure

In the Responsible Finance Officers absence, the report was deferred to a future meeting

d) To approve payments of accounts

Payee Details Gross VAT Net

Cllr M.J. Gill-Stafford Fete Expenses and 25.00 0.00               25.00

British Legion Wreaths 51.00 0.00               51.00

Cllr Mrs J Grant Fete Expenses 58.50 0.00               58.50

Cllr Mrs T Keat Fete Expenses 152.94 0.00             152.94

Youth Employee Wages 35.00 0.00               35.00

Parochial Church Council Room Hire for meetings 45.00 0.00               45.00


21/10/07 Administration

a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Parish Council website page

Proposed Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded Cllr Mrs Keat and agreed by all to discuss the website with the Clerk to ensure that all up to date information is uploaded as a matter of urgency.  This will be monitored going forwards.

b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding changing the day of Parish Council meetings, and altering the standing orders as needed

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keat, seconded Cllr Mrs Grant and agreed by all to alter the dates of Parish Council meetings from a Thursday to the first Tuesday in March, May, September, December.  The Clerk will provide all Councillors with an updated schedule as well as a copy for the Parish Council Noticeboard.  Dates will also be uploaded onto the Website.  The necessary amendment will be made to the Standing Orders.

c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Parish newsletter

Items to be included in the Autumn 2021 Newsletter were discussed.  Proposed Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded Cllr Mrs Keat and agreed by all to allow a budget of £10 for the printing of the newsletters.


d) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding a Christmas event

Proposed Cllr Mrs Keat, seconded Cllr Mrs Grant and agreed by all to purchase a village Christmas tree and refreshments once again.  A budget of £100 was agreed, this will be paid from the village fete income.


e) To receive an update from the village fete committee

Cllr. Mrs Keat gave a short appraisal on the results of the experimental Summer Fete and Fun Run. She stated although there had been some minor requirements that meant the Parish Council had needed to introduce a working group, it would be useful as a learning curve, and both events had been in total a huge success beyond expectations and raised a total of £1000 gross. Once the outlay expenses have been deducted the remainder will be halved between a stated charity and as a reserve in the entertainment fund. A similar event is not expected to be repeated next year.

21/10/08 Parish Maintenance

a) To discuss any necessary maintenance work required to the village/picnic area

Following the presentation at the Public Forum, it was agreed that some money would need to be set aside to pay for repairs to the perimeter fence and other sundries. A price list will be presented in due course for consideration and/or receipts for purchases


b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding replacing the memorial bench opposite the church

It was recognised that although the removal of the memorial bench from its position had not been a request to the owner. Requests for such replacement had been received from members of the community. Negotiations with the owner of the bench had broken down therefore it was agreed to purchase and affix a new bench.


c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the tree planting project

The Vice-Chairman outlined the progress of the scheme, reporting a number of emails had been received of private purchases of trees and orders for purchasing. He had also received a gift of 4 tree whips from a resident. A decision from The Woodland Trust on whether the application for 100 free trees had been successful is still in progress.


21/10/09 Planning/Consultations

a) To discuss any planning applications received:

Land adj. to Primrose Cottage, Snelland Road – Outline application to erect 1no. dwelling and garage with associated works, including removal of existing outbuildings – all matter reserved – discuss and submit comments to WLDC – Cllrs Gill-Stafford and Mrs Keat reported they had visited the proposed site and taken photographs and notes in preparation for submitting comments to WLDC Planning Department.  These will be passed to the Clerk to submit on behalf of the Parish Council.

b) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the naming of the road leading to the old Rase aircraft hangar

A request had been received from the EP Group that had purchased the redundant hangar and area on the airfield, for comments from this council relating to the naming of the approach road. It was agreed this was a matter between the company and LCC but would not object to the current choice.


21/10/10 To receive any reports from Councillors

None received


21/10/11 To agree date of the next Council  meeting 

Tuesday 7th December 2021 at 7pm