May 2022

Wickenby Parish Council 

“Composed of local people, representing local people, about local issues” 

Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting dated 17th May 2022 held in St Peters Church, Wickenby 

Present: Cllrs J Hairsine, J Gill-Stafford, A Clack, Mrs T Keat, Mrs J Grant, D Chilton, C Bank (Co-opted onto the council at agenda Item 5 

Also Present: Ms Tracey A Broughton PSLCC Parish Clerk to Wickenby Parish Council  


22/05/01 To Elect a Chairman for the coming year and Sign the Declaration of Acceptance 


AGREED Proposed Cllr J Gill- Stafford, Seconded Cllr A Clack 

To elect Cllr J Hairsine as Chairman of the Council 2022/23 



22/05/02 To Elect a Vice-Chairman for the coming year and Sign the Declaration of  



AGREED Proposed Cllr A Clack, Seconded Cllr D Chilton 

To elect Cllr Mrs T Keat as Vice-Chairman of the Council 2022/23 



22/05/02 To Elect Committee Members 


AGREED Proposed Cllr J Hairsine, Seconded Cllr D Chilton 

To elect Cllrs Mrs J Grant, Mrs T Keat, J Gill-Stafford, Mrs C Banks, Mrs Baxendale and Mrs Rowe to the Entertainment Committee 2022/23 



It was agreed to add Entertainment Committee updates to the September Ordinary Council meeting. 


22/05/04 To receive apologies and reasons for absence of any Councillors  

None received. 


22/05/05 To receive any declaration of interest applicable to agenda items in accordance with the 2000 LG Act 




22/05/06 To Co-opt a new member to the Parish Council 


AGREED Proposed Cllr Mrs T Keat, Seconded Cllr Gill-Stafford 

To Co-opt Mrs Caroline Banks to Wickenby Parish Council 



22/05/07 To approve notes of the Council Meeting held on 1st March 2022 and authorise the Chairman to sign these as official and true minutes of the meeting 


AGREED Proposed Cllr J Hairsine, Seconded Cllr J Gill-Stafford  

To approve the Ordinary Council minutes dated 1st March 2022 as a true record and authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes.  



22/05/08 Financial Issues 



a)  To Receive and approve bank reconciliation 

Clerk informed the council that due to the amalgamation of Yorkshire Bank and Virgin Money Bank it has not been possible to reconcile the accounts.  Council signatories of the current bank will retrieve the appropriate banks statements as soon as possible. 


b) To approve and sign the 2021/22 Annual Governance Statement of the Annual Audit for submission to the external Auditor 

This is not possible to the accounts not being approved and reconciled as explained above. 


c) To approve and sign the 2021/22 Annual Accounting Statement of the annual audit for submission to the external auditor. 

This is not possible to the accounts not being approved and reconciled as explained above. 


d) To sign the 2021/22 Annual Audit certificate of exemption 

This is not possible to the accounts not being approved and reconciled as explained above. 


e) To approve payments of accounts: some to be received at the meeting 

Youth Employee March/April/May £99 

Bench Repairs £590.51 

Gallagher Insurance £370.98 

Cloudy IT £571.50 

LALC £76.20 

Clerk Salary April/May TBC 

Crockery £6 

Entertainment Income £86.36 


AGREED Proposed Cllr J Hairsine, Seconded Cllr J Gill-Stafford 

To approve the above payments and the Clerks salary once worked out on the HMRC software with appropriate payment to HMRC. 



22/05/09 To receive, discuss and action any reports from outside meetings and outside bodies 


None received. 


22/05/10 Administration 


a) To discuss and action new banking arrangements for the Parish Council funds 


AGREED Proposed Cllr J Gill-Stafford, Seconded Cllr Mrs J Grant 

To open a Lloyds Account.  Bank Signatories Chairman, Vice-  

Chairman and the Clerk and online banking access to be extended 

Cllr Mrs J Grant. 



b) Website amendments 

Councillors to forward amendments to Clerk who is in the process of changing the access passwords. 


c) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding working groups within the Parish Council (any actions should be on the agenda) 

All actions are agenda items. 


d) To discuss and action review of Council’s Policies, Procedures and Risk Assessments 


Cllr Gill-Stafford has provided the Clerk with some suggested Standing Orders  Clerk explained that it is normal procedure that any proposed amendments must be tabled for members considerations and then voted on at the next Ordinary meeting.  Clerk will distribute the latest copy and the amended copy to members along with a copy of model Standing Orders supplied by NALC.   


Clerk explained that the council will need to consider new Financial Regulations that it must have to be compliant with Audit Regulations.  Clerk will prepare a model set of Financial Regulations for the September meeting.  External Audit cannot be approved without.  Other polices to include GDPR policies should then be considered and a list will be drawn up for the September meeting. 


22/05/13 Committee Meetings  


a) To receive and update recommendations for HM Queens Jubilee celebrations 


Organisation is going well.  Event to be held in local residents garden.  It was requested to check that the council was covered by the Insurance to hold a council event in a private property.  Food will be prepared by local residents and the local pub. 


AGREED Proposed Cllr J Hairsine, Seconded Cllr A Clack 

for £250 budget to be made available for the Jubilee Event in  

addition to the £500 budget already allocated. 



b) Future events will be the Quiz night and the Xmas Event.  It was suggested that the council should consider a Garden Open Day and Fete in 2023. 


22/05/14 Parish Maintenance 


a) To report progress and discuss any necessary maintenance work required to the village picnic area 

Picnic Area fencing still to be repaired.  It was agreed to install a water container to the bus shelter to reduce the travel for watering the new planters.  Clerk to check on permissions for the planters and bench with Lincolnshire County Council Highways.  Two notice boards are to be painted and this is in progress. 


AGREED Proposed Cllr J Hairsine, Seconded Cllr T Keat 

To allocate a budget of £100 for the two new planters 



b) To report progress on the replacement bench 

Permission to be doubled checked with Lincolnshire County Council Highways.  Bench should be added to the Parish Council asset Register.  To remove item from the agenda. 


c) To receive update and consider any further action regarding dog fouling within the parish 

Members agreed to pursue the addition of dog bins within the parish.  Clerk to  

To chase up West Lindsey District Council for possibility of additions in particular near the woods area.  


22/05/15 Planning 

Application Number 144366 – Ridgways, Lissington Road to build 2 garages. 

No decision has been published yet. 


22/05/16 To receive any reports from Councillors 


a) Report from Cllr Gill-Stafford 

Cllr Gill-Stafford is struggling to get contact West Lindsey District Council Councillors and Officers regarding several issues despite sending lots of emails and telephone calls.  The Leader of West Lindsey District Council has failed to reply.  One of the issues was information on council tax rates. Cllr Chilton offered to make contact with the District Council and report back to the council. 


22/05/17 To agree the date of the next meeting 


Tuesday 6th September at 7pm 


22/05/18 To resolve on whether the Councilf will move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) At 1960 as amended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 for the following confidential items 


a) Personnel Updates 

Clerks contract has been reviewed and agreed to be signed. 

Clerk Pay to be agreed at NALC SCP Point 17 –2021/22  


b) To receive any comments from the Clerk relating to her employment 

None received. 


Meeting closed at 20.42